Absolutely, placebos have been recognised as being beneficial in treating many medical conditions for as long as there have been carers.
NO! COVID-19 is a highly contagious virus mainly transmitted through aerosol droplets. Its effects vary considerably depending on an individuals age and health. A placebo might possibly be beneficial in assisting with recuperation but understandably, to date there have been no studies to determine the possible effects of an inert medication.
Depending on the medical condition, the statistics say they will work for some people for some of the time.
Research indicates that the placebo effect can work even when a patient knows that they are taking a placebo.
As far back as the mid 60s, the primary finding of a study published in the medical magazine ‘General Psychiatry’ was that patients can be willing to take placebo and can improve despite disclosure of the inert content of the pills. A more recent study conducted at the Havard Medical School was carried out on sufferers of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) where they were informed about the make up of the pills they were given during the study period. Not only was it made absolutely clear that these pills had no active ingredient and were made from inert substances, but the pills actually had 'placebo' printed on the bottle. The results demonstrated that the placebo pills were more effective at relieving symptoms compared to receiving no treatment by a significant margin.
There are no physical side effects so long as there are no active ingredients. Although there was a clinical study conducted in America over several years where women were given a placebo for a non-chronic condition. At he end of the trial the placebo was withdrawn and 30% of the women reported withdrawal symptoms.
Our capsule casings are made from vegetable material – Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC) and purified water. The capsule cases contain no preservatives, gelatin, wheat, animal by-products or starch, and they are made from pure cellulose of either pine or poplar.
Our capsules come in three varieties – each with a pinch of faith, hope and positive thinking. The ingredients are made up of either Sucrose, Lactose or Xylitol.
All the ingredients are equally in-active. However the perception of the effectiveness can be influenced by how they look to a patient. There have been studies demonstrating that different coloured placebo pills give different beneficial effects and that a large pill will be more effective than a small one and (you may not want to hear this one) the more expensive the placebo pill the more effective it is.
Pretty much anything you want it to. However, we never recommend that you ignore medical advice or prescriptions prescribed by a qualified medical practitioner.
You can take as many or as few a you like - we recommend that you start with a small dosage – one per day, you can increase this if you feel it will benefit you. Because there is no active medical ingredient you cannot overdose – but then again too much of anything is not good for you - so be sensible!
If you have a glucose intollerance we recommend either the lactose capsules, lactose pills or the xylitol capsules, xylitol pillules.
Xylitol is a 100% natural sweetener that occurs naturally. It can be found in berries, fruit, vegetables and mushrooms. It also occurs naturally in our bodies. Pure xylitol is a white crystalline substance that looks and tastes like sugar. Xylitol is considered a “sugar-free” sweetener and importantly the body does not require insulin to metabolize xylitol which is why xylitol produces a lower glycemic response than sucrose or glucose.
If you do have diabetes it is important to consult your doctor or diet professional before incorporating xylitol into your daily diet.
Note: Pet Dogs, even small amounts of xylitol can cause hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) in dogs and make them extremely ill.
It might - try to concentrate on your academic goal each time you take a placebo and make a note whether that helps your performance.
Placebo complements any other medicines and therapies.
Yes, with complete safety.
More and more studies are drawing the conclusion that placebos can have a significant affect on sporting performances which has lead to calls for their use to be regulated.
No – you can’t test for nothing (an inactive ingredient). But it is possible that it will improve your performance though.
Oh yes – the placebo effect happens.
Yes, especially effective with a little TLC.
Just keep them dry and store in a cupboard, draw, handbag, briefcase, car, first aid kit, sports bag.